- "Countervailing Power? Bilateral Collusion in Markets with Decentralized Trade" (with Nadia Burani), Review of Economic Design, (2011), 15:91–120.
- "Uniqueness of stationary equilibria in bargaining one-dimensional policies under (super) majority rules" (with Daniel Cardona), Games and Economic Behavior, 73, (2011), 65–75.
- "Arbitration Systems and Negotiations" (with M. Adamuz), Review of Economic Design, 13, (2009), 279-303.
- "Robust Bilateral Trade and Mediated Bargaining" (with J. Copic) Journal of the European Economic Association, 6, (2008), 570-580.
- "Queues, not just Mediocrity: Inefficiency in Decentralized Markets with Vertical Differentiation" with J. Sákovics), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26, (2008), 998-1014.
- "Bargaining over Multiple Issues with Maximin and Leximin Preferences" (with A. Mármol) Social Choice and Welfare, 30, (2008), 211-223.
- "Bargaining One-dimensional Social Choices", (with D. Cardona) Journal of Economic Theory, 137, (2007), 627-651.
- "All in good time" (with A Heifetz), International Journal of Game Theory (2007).
- "Stakeholder bargaining games" (with P. Manzini), International Journal of Game Theory 34 (2006).
- "Stakeholders in bilateral conflict" (with P. Manzini), Mathematical Social Sciences 50 (2005).
- "Search and Bargaining in Large Markets With Homogeneous Traders", Contributions to Theoretical Economics 4 (2004).
- "Economic Diplomacy" Journal of Public Economic Theory 6 (2003).
- "Mediation: incomplete information bargaining with filtered communication" (with X. Jarque and J. Sakovics), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 39 (2003) 803-830.
- "Chores" (with V. Barham and Ch. LaCasse) Games and Economic Behavior 39 (2002).
- "Randomly available outside options in bargaining" ( with J. Sákovics), Spanish Economic Review 3 (2001).
- "Bargaining in a Changing Environment" ( with J. Sákovics), in Current Trends in Economics, Alkan, Aliprantis, Yannelis (Eds.) Springer Verlag (1999).
- "Stable Multilateral Trade Agreements" ( with I. Macho-Stadler and D. Pérez-Castrillo), Economica 65 (1998).
- "Rubinstein Bargaining with Two-Sided Outside Options" (with J. Sákovics), Economic Theory 11 (1998).
- "Compromise vs. Capitulation in Bargaining with two-sided Incomplete Information", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 0 (1997).
- "Multiple-Issue Bargaining and Axiomatic Solutions" (with J. Watson) International Journal of Game Theory 26 (1997).
- "Multiperson Bargaining over Two Alternatives" (with J. Sákovics) Games and Economic Behavior 12 (1996).
- "Bargaining at Variable Rythms" (with X. Martínez-Giralt) Revista Española de Economía 12 (1995).
- "The War of Attrition with Incomplete Information" (with J. Sákovics) Mathematical Social Sciences 29 (1995).
- "The Deadline Effect : A Theoretical Note" Economics Letters 48 (1995).
- "Unique Equilibrium in a Model of Bargaining over Many Issues", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 25/26 (1992).
- "La Financiación de las CC.AA: Comparación Internacional" De Economía Pública 12 (1991).
- "Juegos de Negociación", Cuadernos Económicos del ICE 40 (1988).



- "Ex-post efficiency of mechanisms for bilateral trade with risk-averse traders" (with Jernej Copic) (October 2006)
- "The continuation of bargaining by other means: an elementary theory of war" (July 2006)
- "Implementation by Decent Mechanism" (with Jernej Copic) (July 2003).
- "Search and Bargaining in Simple Markets" (2000)